




noun: respect; plural noun: respects

  1. a feeling of deep admiration for someone or something elicited by their abilities, qualities, or achievements.
  2. due regard for the feelings, wishes, rights, or traditions of others.


We all know what it means, and to clarify, Diamond R Industries values that meaning in the workplace.

You can hear respect in a person’s tone of voice, in their non-verbal communication, and in the words, they use to address you. Furthermore, you can see respect in how your coworker or boss deeply listens and asks you questions to make sure they understand your point of view.

At Diamond R Industries employees are respected.  It’s no secret that treating someone well and being treated well makes you feel good.  In the same vein, we believe people spend too much time at their job to not enjoy it.  Respect among the workplace and job sites creates an environment that provides benefits to every aspect of what we do.  Here’s a list to name few:

Benefits of respect in the workplace:

  1. Increased Productivity and Employee Loyalty. We’ve all heard, the saying “you get back what you give”. And it is not just relevant for employees but also for employers. When employees know that their company cares about them, they care about their company. In addition, an employee that genuinely cares about the success of your company will work harder and be more invested.
  2. Stronger Customer Relationships. If your employees are unhappy, your customers will notice. Maintaining happy employees will increase the level of customer service. Consequently, employees who are willing take an extra step will definitely make a good impression.
  3. Less Stress = Fewer Sick Days. Above all, treating employees well is bound to reduce stress in the workplace, which will improve their health. A great benefits package can also help keep employees healthy.
  4. Higher Employee Retention. Employees that are dissatisfied with their place of work usually don’t stick around long. Treating employees well will reduce the likeliness of quitting, which can save the time and money you would spend on turnover.
  5. Greater Talent. More Selection. To clarify, if a company is well-known for mistreating employees, would you have a desire to work there? Subsequently, companies with a good reputation for taking care of their employees attract top talent and give the opportunity to be selective.

Most likely, we’ve all been on the short end of the stick at some point in our careers, walking away feeling dis-respected… and knowing the situation was not handled in the most idealistic way.  In conclusion, Diamond R Industries values the word respect in its entirety. Most importantly, it is on the forefront of our minds at the start of every workday, in order to provide a quality that is efficient and consistent to all of our clients.

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